Friday, April 26, 2013

God Positioning System

It was a day off yesterday, and I decided to study with a friend. I told my mom that we’re going to go to a café at PIK, but I didn’t mention going to Citraland (Ciputra) after lunch hour.

Around half past five at the afternoon, when my friend and I were already at Ciputra—sipping a cup of green tea blend in the midst of our theories about Dexamethasone, my phone rang. It was my mother. “Where are you?” She asked.

“Citraland,” I answered, realizing that I didn’t tell her before. “Is something wrong?”

“That’s odd,” my mother replied. She told me that my car’s GPS showed that I’m at Cilandak from two hours earlier.

I convinced her that I’m at Ciputra and maybe the tracking system was error. I was quite sure that it’s impossible for someone to take my car and brought it to Cilandak. I haven’t spend three hours there and it’d be extremely difficult to drive from Ciputra to Cilandak in less than an hour considering the traffic. But, just to reassure myself, I did check the parking lot. And thankfully, my car is still there.

I texted my mom and told her that everything’s okay. It didn’t take a long time for me to wondered, how often my mom check my GPS when I’m out on my own. I always think that my mom don’t really care about me when I am out. She rarely call me, asking my whereabouts, or just simply check me if I have eaten or not.  I always consider my mom care less than the other parents. But, maybe I’m wrong this whole time. Perhaps this is the way my mom taking care of me, by tracking my GPS and giving me time for myself or with my friends.

Then, I think, if my earthly parents care so much about me, isn’t God beyond all the attention my parents ever gave me? Sometimes we think that He isn’t around, He doesn’t really care about us and we can’t feel His presence. But He is there, watching over us, tracking every single step we take. And if something goes wrong, he’ll simply talk to us. He’ll let us hear His voice, and after that, we’ll realize that He cares all the time.

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