Saturday, September 14, 2013

sweet, sweet words

Kalau hari-hari saya belakangan ini bisa dirangkum dalam satu kalimat, ini yang akan saya tulis: I want to put my windbreaker on, can you please just tell me when the storm has passed?

Tapi seperti biasa, Father Jesus never leave me :”) Like He knows the best how to comfort me. Tadi lagi iseng-iseng aja buka email, terus baca devotional hari ini dan isinya langsung berhasil bikin mata berkaca-kaca. Isinya begini:

“Most of us spend our entire lives trying to earn acceptance. We want to earn it from our parents, peers, partners in life, people we respect ourselves, and even people we envy. The desire to be accepted drives us to do all kinds of things. It can influence the kind of clothes you wear, the kind of car you drive, the kind of house you buy, even the career you choose.

We love the feeling of being accepted.

Being chosen does tremendous things for your self-esteem. 1 Peter 4:9 says, “You are a chosen people” (NIV). That ought to raise your self-esteem! Christ has accepted you — not based on your performance, something that you earned, or something that you deserve. God simply says, “I chose you.”

You may have accepted Jesus into your life, but have you ever realized that Christ has accepted you? You don't have to earn it; you don't have to prove yourself.

“Even if my mother and father abandon me, the LORD will take care of me” (Psalm 27:10 GW). The fact is, some of you had parents whom you could never please. No matter what you did, it wasn't good enough. If you got C’s, they wanted B's. If you got B's, they wanted A's. If you got A's, they wanted straight A's.

The tragedy is that some of you today are still trying to prove yourself to your parents. You're still trying to earn their acceptance, but, in all likelihood, you're not going to get their approval if they haven't given it to you by now, because that's their problem. The good news is this: You don't need it to be happy! There are 6 billion people in the world. If two people don't like you, who cares? As a part of God’s family, you have been accepted by God!”

Saya nggak mau bahas tentang isi devotional-nya, sebagian besar dari kalian juga mungkin biasa aja bacanya. Yang mau saya bilang ya itu, Tuhan tahu banget gimana cara ngomong ke anak-anakNya di saat anak-anakNya lagi butuh.

Terus barusan seorang teman yang lagi ngobrol di LINE tiba-tiba bilang: “Santai aja lah”. Saya memang lagi khawatir berlebihan akhir-akhir ini. Tentang apa? Ada deh, haha… Tapi pas baca kalimat teman saya ini, kayak lagi diingetin,”Tenang aja lagi, Cil. Chill. Relax. Everything is going to be alright”. He might not mean it too much when he wrote it, but it really means a lot to me.

Malam ini benar-benar kayak lagi diingetin,”You are never be alone, Cil. There always be Me—a Father who understands you. A Father who listens.”

Thank you for once again reminding me, Father. Because I forget a lot :”) 

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