Since I was a kid I always believe that happy and sad things
come in balance. If you cry overnight today, you’ll laugh into tears another
day. Somehow, things like that occur in my life. And today, three happy things
Okay, the first is I passed my OSCE exam (kind of practical
exam at my faculty), thanks to super kind doctor who made me pass the catheter
station, hehe…
The second is, my second book’s draft was accepted by a
major publisher. Super yeay for this! The story was the continuance from ‘the
untitled’ series on this blog. And I was super excited to revise the draft,
hope it’ll be waaay better than the first.
And, the third is, ‘The Beginning’—a short movie that my
friends and I made was uploaded to YouTube today! Thanks to people who helped
us voluntarily. Hope this project will last.
So, thank God for the happiness and the surprises. And yes, I am blessed.
Asik! Seri Untitled berlanjut! XD kalo udah keluar kaish tau yaaa~ bakal ta beli heuehehhehe~